Monday, March 30, 2009

Talking Points 7

Anita Hill Is A Boy~ Peggy Orenstein

This reading is arguing that males have and may always have the power, and that women are trying to make a comback and gain equality in society. I really like this article and I like learning about issues of TITLE 9. I like how Ms. Logan actually had a class focusing more on women than men.
"Women are one half of the world's people; they do two thirds of the world's work; they earn one tenth of the worlds income; and they own one one-hundreth of the worlds property."
This quote is saying that even though men and women are said to be equal they really arent. A women can hold the same position as a men but they will make less. They could go to the same school have the same gpa and still get paid less. I feel as though this should be pasted in every magazine, because it is all true.
"If I told them I was interested in women’s history, they’d call me a fag. So I just take it and don’t talk about it."
Even men are embarassed to say that they know a little about women, and their rights. Men think that its not important to know about women and their rights and how unequal they are treated. I think that men should realize the inequality in men and women. Men could learn about the inequality and they still would treat women the same. Men just think that they have the right to have the upper hand on women.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Talking Points #6

"One More River to Cross"-- Recognizing the Real Injury in BROWN: A Prerequisite to Shaping New Remedies~ Charles Lawrence
This reading has a variety of cases dealing with segregation and segregation in the schools. I have always been interested in segregation and segregation in the schools. I really liked this reading and I thought it was a quick read.
"The ultimate goal was full political and civil equality for blacks; they knew that this could not be acheived until the entire system of segregation had been destroyed.Equality of education is not enough, there can be no equality under a segregated system. The American negro is not a dominate minority; therefore he must fight for complete elimination of segregation as his ultimate goal."
This quote is saying that we need to put diversity aside and just treat everyone equal. No matter where black people go the feel inferior and the minority. Everyone has to come together and make segregation and inequality disappear. I thought of Johnson when I read this quote and its saying that it is really out there and we cant ignore it. We have to recognize it and realize its still out there.
"Northern and Southern cases are distinguishable on the basis of state action; in the South, state action is present because state laws required the operation of dual school systems, while in the North, state action is action because segregated schools occurred as the result of segregated housing patterns."
I found this interesting because the reading said that segregation first occurred in the Northern states which I didnt know. I think that if the Northern states took action right away then segregation may not have ended up in the Southern states. It would have just stopped in the Northern states.
I really liked reading this article and understood the different cases a little more. I think that I have a grasp on the readings. I really enjoyed this article.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Talking Points # 5

In The Service Of What? The Politics of Service Learning~ Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer

This article was hard for me to understand. I didn't really get anything out of it and it was very hard to blog about it. What I got out of the article was how the legislators view service learning.
"Educators and legislators alike maintain that service learning can improve the community and invigorate the classroom, providing rich educational experiences for students at all levels of schooling."
By this quote I believe that legislators like the idea of service learning. It is stating that service learning makes students active in the community while being academically challenged. I know that during my service learning I am getting an experience in a community that I am not familiar with, and at the same time being challenged by teaching/helping students in the classroom. I am using new skills and applying them to the classroom environment. To answer the question in the article "IN THE SERVICE OF WHAT?" I think that would be helping the community. For example with VIPS we are helping students better their education. In the classroom there maybe as many as 30 students and only 1 teacher so with service learning we provide the students with the same help that the teacher may provide. You are also servicing the educator as well. You provide them with aide in helping the students. In my high school students would do a type of service learning, they would sleep in cardboard boxes over night in the cold and have to heat their bodies by making barrel fires. This made them sense what it was like to be homeless.
"Major initiatives with links to graduation requirements are underway in Atlanta, New York, Maryland, Vermont, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia, and numerous other districts throughout the country."
I think that this is a great idea, it gets students out in the community lending a helping hand. Where I graduated from a minimum of 75 hours of community service over the 4 years was required. By having to complete these hours I got to meet many people, and by working in the schools it may help me in the future with a job. This would help students realize how some people live. They may live in poverty, or just incapable of doing various household chores. And by doing the hours in the classroom setting is what helped me decide to be a teacher.
I know that when I am doing my service learning it make me feel good when the students don't want to go back to class, they want to spend longer time with me. I love when they leave with smiles on their faces because I know that I have just changed their life in some way.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Talking Points 4

Unlearning The Myths That Blind Us~Linda Christensen

In this reading Christensen explains how in cartoons, books, and even movies show a great emphasis on sexism, racism and are often very stereotypical. Ever since we have been children we have experienced sexism and racism and haven't even known it. Just by watching children's cartoons we witnessed cases of sexism and racism. We often refuse to see the fact that certain cartoons and children's movies have these issues.
"Many students don't want to believe that they have been manipulated by children's medias or advertising. No one wants to admit that they've been "handled" by the media." Nobody wants to be "controlled" by the media. But if you think about it when you think of professional athletes and their commercials, the children always want what they have. Or often times in movies the bad kid is always the black kid. When children see that, often times every time they see a black person they associate bad with that person. Or the old ladies and old men are always grumpy, they are never nice, and all the girls always want to be like the princesses and not the normal, more realistic characters.
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, this cartoon teaches a false sense of violence to kids: fight and you don't get hurt, or solve problems through fists and swords instead of words." When children see this they think that it is okay to fight with fists, they think that nothing can happen to them. They think that fighting is the solution to everything. I know that when my five year old cousin watches TMNT he gets alot of violence and fighting from their show. After watching he will be very rambunctious and crazy. Same with Star Wars, he always goes and gets his light sabers and wants to duel. I think that alot of shows that little kids watch should have higher viewing ages.
"We look at the roles women, men, people of color, and poor people play in cartoons." In older cartoons you notice that there are not many women as characters. But when the women started appearing in cartoons they looked perfect. They looked like barbies, and all the girls wanted to look like them. In cartoons the poor people always look dirty and have on haggy clothes, and get treated awful. So people have in their minds that this is reality, the real world is based on stereotypes!